About Me — Blank Voice

Blank Voice
About Me Stories
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2021


Wild, Weird, and wonderful ME. This was Spring in South Korea, 2020. Amidst all the pandemics I managed to do a bit of traveling (Photo by the author)


Thank you for stopping by. I am pretty sure this is gonna be a boring and lousy piece of writing since I’ve never thought about writing about myself. For me being an absolute humble and generous person bragging is not my cup of tea. But if that is what ya’ll want from me, then let’s give it a shot :)

I am Ahalya. I preferred to be called my name instead of my surnames. I write by the pen name ‘Blank Voice’ since I feel it is too cool to use a pen name (I feel like a celebrity already). I go by she/hers. I am called by hundreds of different labels; academic, researcher, climate-change activist, writer, cook, photographer, and strong-independent woman.

I was born and brought up in a highly educated stereotyped Tamil family in Sri Lanka; a beautiful tropical island, right in the mid of the Indian Ocean (slightly below India). I belong to the Eastern Coast of the Island. I grew up with two siblings and tons and tons of books. My family gave me nothing but love, care, and immense knowledge; such that I started schooling when I was 2. The whole schooling era was focused on being the ‘bright student criteria with marks cut-offs with 95% (all subjects), excelling the extra-curricular (definitely not sports) activities, and becoming a medical doctor. (Un)fortunately, I aced up the former two but failed the latter one. But manages to get into natural sciences; graduated first class topper, joined academia as a lecturer; completed masters and now in post-grad studies; currently residing in South Korea and soon-to-be doctor (Phew! That took so long).

The first day when I entered the University (in Sri Lanka) for the orientation ceremony for my undergrad; I have been fancied by the respect and pride for the academic society; especially the Professors and vowed myself I’d become one. Worked hard towards the goal every other day and joined the academic at the Ocean University of Sri Lanka (Colombo, Sri Lanka) two years back affiliated to Coastal and Marine Resources Management. After a year of service, I got my post-grad opportunity in South Korea at the Korea Maritime and Ocean University and became a proud member of the research crew. I work on the ecology and blue carbon sequestration of mangroves and their protection and conservation.

I will be soon titled “Dr. Ahalya” by the power vested on the Korea Maritime and Ocean University (Tee Hee).

My passion for writing started during school age; thanks to my English Literary association society and the school English days. Annually participated and won placements for creative writing which later was helpful in content writing. I always thought of taking writing as a serious career but I was too scared to tell my parents.

I mostly write on ‘darkness’, ‘solitude’ and ‘self-healing’. I write a mixture of life lessons based on my personal emotions. I want women to be strong and independent. I write for them and I write to them. I am a freelance writer dating back to 2016. Had to take a break for a year for personal reasons and now back on track. Resumed writing in Medium in December 2020 and here I am saying hello to you :)

You can check-in my most-read posts here (if you haven't already):

Content warning: Not a pro though but not a bad photographer at all. I don't know when the craving for this one started; I don't have a precise date but somehow managed to capture precious moments in a more uniquely memorable way. This year I decided to display my collectible via Flickr and Unsplash. The stats are escalating pretty fast.

Dark phases
There are pretty much rough patches in my life where I have done absurd things like hurting/ wounding myself due to anxiety and depression. I was put into some deep dark eras where I suffered and suffocated a lot. I couldn’t help myself but my Aunt and very close friends took me out of it. Even my own family betrayed me at times.

Now that I am completely out of it, I am helping people come out of their own fear and insecurities by words, write-ups, and personal connection (I am no trained therapist, FYI. This is just a man-to-man help).

I have devoted myself (as a whole) to the protection and conservation of mangroves. I aspire to be a world renounced mangrove conservationist and to continue working as well as writing. I am also working towards becoming a top-listed writer on any of the platforms I am writing.

On a note, I also want to stay humble and honest about the works I do and the life I am living (PS: Not good at bragging; my bad!)

The more you know

  • I am in my late 20s and willing to travel as much as countries before 35 and planning to settle then
  • Hardcore geek. Into Star Wars, Star Trek, DC, and Marvel. All-time favorite; Batman
  • Pro cook. I excelled in the art of cooking South Indian (veg and non-veg), Italian, Mexican, and Korean
  • I am married. Married to my best friend last year. He is the backbone of my at the moment. He is my motivator, guide, and time-kill joy (hehe)
  • Music genre is mood-dependent. Playlist shifts from melody to metal
  • Heavy reader. Have a habit of reading a chapter before bed until my death.
  • Wanderlust. Loves to travel. Both solo and couple. Mostly into wild road trips where we two ONLY participate
  • Trilingual. Learning Korean now. In the next 5+ years, I am expecting myself to excel in at least seven-ten languages
  • I wear glasses (I know this one is lame but I was out things to say)

Jeez! I somehow finished bragging about me…..!!!!

If you feel bored feel free to hop into my professional (LinkedIn) or personal (Twitter) accounts. Please don't stalk me.

Good day folks! Stay safe! Don’t forget to smile always.!

